Friday, February 7, 2014

Our Story

How we met:

It was a cold, January evening when our paths crossed for the first time. Taylor was helping his friend move into a new apartment, where I happened to be making a list. A few days later we were celebrating the new year with our BYU ward and talked about Star Wars. (What more could either of us want?) We went on a couple of dates over the course of the next few months, but nothing romantic came of it.

How we became friends: 

The summer started and we dubbed each other "Stoop co-captains," the "Stoop" being a favorite place to laze away our days...specifically the stairs in front of the apartment building. We bought an inflatable pool for the stoop, aptly named the "spool", sang as Taylor played guitar, and literally climbed every mountain. Okay, it was Y mountain, but we did make it to the that counts, right?

How we fell in love: 

We held hands for the first time in August at the Provo dollar theater watching Man of Steel. Everything just fell into place from there. We did silly things like only eating at new restaurants and using our winnings at Nickel City to get those sponge animals you soak in water. We made dinner together every night and Taylor was always ready with some flowers when I had a bad day teaching. We have taken turns supplying the other with orange juice and NyQuil, always pretending that whatever the sick person had wasn't contagious. Needless to say, falling in love was the easiest thing we've ever done.

How he proposed:
The main thing you need to know about this proposal is that Taylor kept the whole thing the biggest secret ever and I was the definition of surprised. We had not talked about marriage, we never went ring shopping. Taylor did it all in secret, even going so far as to have the jeweler email with a specific subject line and saying he was at the library for seven hours on Saturdays when he was actually ring shopping.

We went to a Christmas concert by The Lower Lights, a band that both Taylor and I enjoy. He came to pick me up with a gorgeous bouquet of roses, took me out to dinner, and we made our way to the concert in Salt Lake City. We were met in the lobby by a band member who (basically) said they were giving away seats on the floor and asked if we wanted them. I fell for it. We get to our seats, and the opening band begins. About three songs in Taylor says he needs to visit the men's room and leaves. Two more songs passed, the opening act ended. The band member who gave us our seats came out and made a lovely speech about the evening and said they had one more special guest. I was beginning to get fidgety, wondering where Taylor was, when she said "Taylor, would you like to come out?"

Boys and girls, let me tell you what happened next. Taylor Palmer walked right out on that stage, cool as a cucumber. He said some very nice things about the concert and about me, and asked me to come on stage with him. When I got there, he got on one knee and asked me to marry him. I said yes, only because there isn't a word in the English language that means more than yes, at least that I could think of at the time. We hugged, we kissed, we got off stage quick because the concert had to start.